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Систематический список печеночников России

список родов снабжен ссылками на полные или частичные обработки этих родов для Флоры России

ANTHOCEROTOPHYTA Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.


Anthocerotaceae Dumort.

Anthoceros L.[Ignatova, E.A., M.S. Ignatov & V.A. Bakalin 2010. Anthoceros macounii – a new hornwort for Russian flora. Arctoa 19: 131-134. *Bakalin V. A., Chernyagina O. A., Kirichenko V. E. 2007. Anthocerotophyta - a new division of plants for the flora of Kamchatka (North-West Pacific). Arctoa 16: 153-156. ]

Notothyladaceae Müll. Frib. ex Prosk.

Phaeoceros Prosk.

MARCHANTIOPHYTA Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.

HAPLOMITRIOPSIDA Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.

TREUBIIDAE Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.

Treubiales Schljakov

Treubiaceae Verd.

Apotreubia S.Hatt. & Mizut. [Bakalin V.A., Vilnet A.A. 2017. How many species are in Apotreubia S. Hatt. & Mizut. (Marchantiophyta)? Nova Hedwigia 104(4): 473-482. *Schuster, R.M. & N.A. Konstantinova 1995. Studies on Treubiales. I. On Apotreubia Hatt. et al. and A. hortonae Schust. & Konstantinova, sp.n. – Jour. Hattori Bot. Lab. 78: 41-61.*Жукова А.Л. 1986a. Apotreubia nana в Советском Союзе. Бот. журн 71 (1): 94- 97. <Zhukova, A. L 1986. Apotreubia nana in USSR. Bot. Zhurn. 71 (1): 94- 97.>]

HAPLOMITRIIDAE Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.

Calobryales Hamlin

Haplomitriaceae Dedecek

Haplomitrium Nees

MARCHANTIOPSIDA Cronquist, Takht. & W.Zimm.

BLASIIDAE Xiao L.He, Juslén, Ahonen, Glenny & Piippo

Blasiales Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.

Blasiaceae H.Klinggr.

Blasia L.


Lunulariales D.G.Long.

Lunulariaceae H.Klinggr.

Lunularia Adans.

Marchantiales Limpr.

Marchantiaceae Lindl.

Marchantia L. (including Bucegia Radian) [Borovichev E.A. & V.A. Bakalin 2014. A survey of Marchantiales from the Russian Far East III. Note on Marchantia paleacea Bertol. Arctoa 23: 25-28. *Konstantinova N.A., Vilnet A.A., Ştefănuţ S. 2014. On the distribution and variability of Bucegia romanica Radian. Arctoa 23: 137–144. ]

Preissia Corda

Conocephalaceae Müll. Frib. ex Grolle

Conocephalum Hill [Borovichev, E.A., N. Kalinauskaitë & N.A. Konstantinova. 2009. On the distribution of Conocephalum conicum and C. salebrosum (Marchantiophyta) in Russia. Arctoa 18: 115–120.]

Aytoniaceae Cavers

Asterella P.Beauv. [Borovichev, E.A., V.A. Bakalin & A.A. Vilnet 2015. Revision of the Russian Marchantiales. II. A review of the genus Asterella P. Beauv. (Aytoniaceae, Hepaticae). Arctoa 24: 294-313. *Long, D.G. 2006. Revision of the Genus Asterella P. Beauv. in Eurasia. – Briophytorum Bibliotheca 63: 1-299.]

Mannia Opiz [Borovichev E.A., Bakalin V.A. 2016. On Mannia triandra (Aytoniaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Eastern Asia. Herzogia 2016. 29(1): 59–65. *Borovichev E.A., V.A. Bakalin & M. Higuchi 2014. On Mannia androgyna (Aytoniaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Eastern Asia. Polish Botanical Journal 59(2): 221–228. *Borovichev E. A. & V. A. Bakalin 2013. Mannia levigata (Marchantiophyta: Aytoniaceae) – first record outside of Japan in the Russian Far East. Polish Botanical Journal 58(1): 217-220. ]

Plagiochasma Lehm. & Lindenb.[Borovichev E.A., V.A. Bakalin, Y.S. Mamontov 2014. Revision of the Russian Marchantiales. I. A review of the genus Plagiochasma Lehm. et Lindenb. (Aytoniaceae, Hepaticae). Botanica Pacifica 3(2): 19-26. ]

Reboulia Raddi

Cleveaceae Cavers[Borovichev E.A. & V.A. Bakalin 2013. The Survey of Marchantiales from the Russian Far East I. The Review of Cleveaceae (Hepaticae) Botanica Pacifica 2(1):53-61. ]

Clevea Lindb.

Peltolepis Lindb.

Sauteria Nees [Боровичев Е.А., Константинова Н.А., Андреева Е.Н. 2012. Род Sauteria Nees (Cleveaceae, Marchantiophyta) в России. Arctoa. 21: 181-188. ]

Ricciaceae Rchb.

Riccia L. [Borovichev E.A. & V.A. Bakalin 2016. Survey of the Russian Far East Marchantiales IV: A revision of Ricciaceae (Hepaticae) Botanica Pacifica 5(2): 3-29. *Borovichev, E.A. & V.A. Bakalin 2015. Range extension for Riccia nipponica and comments on the R. crystallina complex (Ricciaceae, Hepaticae) Polish Botanical Journal 60(2): 173–178. *Бакалин В.А., Таран Г.С. 2004. Род Riccia (Hepaticae) в Сибири и Восточном Казахстане. // Ботанический журнал. 89(8): 1282-1293. (189,5 КБ) * Potemkin A. D., T. Ahti. 2012. On Riccia marginata and related species (Ricciaceae, Marchantiophyta). Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 46: 298–305. *Ладыженская К.И. 1952. Riccia frostii Aust. во флоре печеночников СССР. Бот. мат. отд. спор. раст. 8: 180-188. <Ladyzhenskaya, K.I. 1952. Riccia frostii Aust. in hepatics flora of USSR. Bot. Mat. Otd. Spor. Rast. 8: 180-188.>*Ладыженская К.И., Н.В. Гаевая 1965. Riccia huebeneriana Lindenb. (Hepaticae) во флоре СССР. – Новости сист. низш. раст. 220-224. <Ladyzhenskaya, K.I. & N.V. Gayevaya 1965. Riccia huebeneriana Lindenb. (Hepaticae) in flora of USSR. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast.: 220-224.>]

Ricciocarpos Corda

Targioniaceae Dumort.

Targionia L. [Ладыженская К.И. 1950. Интересный для СССР род печеночника Targionia L. Бот. мат. отд. спор. раст 6(7- 12): 200-207. <Ladyzhenskaya, K.I 1950The interesting for USSR Targionia L. genus. Botan. Mat. Otd. Spor. Rast. 6(7- 12): 200-207.>]

Wiesnerellaceae Inoue

Wiesnerella Schiffn. [Borovichev E.A. & V.A. Bakalin 2014. A survey of Marchantiales in the Russian Far East II. Wiesnerellaceae – a new family for the Russian liverworts flora. Arctoa 23: 1-4. ]

JUNGERMANNIOPSIDA Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.

PELLIIDAE Xiao L.He, Juslén, Ahonen, Glenny & Piippo

Pelliales Xiao L.He, Juslén, Ahonen, Glenny & Piippo

Pelliaceae H.Klinggr.

Pellia Raddi

Fossombroniales Schljakov

Calyculariineae Xiao L.He, Juslén, Ahonen, Glenny & Piippo

Calyculariaceae Xiao L.He, Juslén, Ahonen, Glenny & Piippo

Calycularia Mitt. [ Konstantinova N.A., Mamontov Yu.S. 2010. A revision of the genus Calycularia Mitt. (Calyculariaceae, Marchantiopyta). Arctoa. 19: 117-130. ]

Fossombroniineae R.M.Schust. ex Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.

Fossombroniaceae Hazsl.

Fossombronia Raddi [Borovichev E.A., Bakalin V.A. 2017. GenusFossombronia(Fossombroniaceae,Marchantiophyta) in the Russian Far East. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 38(1):61-73. *Krayesky, D.M., B. Crandall-Stotler & R.E. Stotler 2005. A revision of the genus Fossombronia Raddi in east Asia and Oceania. – J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 98: 1- 45.*Ладыженская К.И. 1956. Первая находка Fossombronia angulosa (Dicks.) Raddi в пределах СССР. Бот. мат. отд. спор. раст. <Ladyzhenskaya, K.I. 1956. The first finding of Fossombronia angulosa (Dicks.) Raddi in USSR. Bot. Mat. Otd. Spor. Rast. 11: 167–176.>*Ладыженская К.И. 1963. Fossombronia longiseta Aust. - печеночник, впервые найденный в СССР. Бот. мат. отд. спор. раст. 16: 165-167. <Ladyzhenskaya, K.I. 1963. Fossombronia longiseta Aust. – a new record for USSR. Bot. Mat. Otd. Spor. Rast. 16: 165-167.>]

Pallaviciniales W.Frey & M.Stech [ Mamontov Yu.S., N.A. Konstantinova, A.A. Vilnet & V.A. Bakalin 2015. On the phylogeny and taxonomy of Pallaviciniales (Marchantiophyta), with overview of Russian species. Arctoa 24: 98-123. ]

Pallaviciniineae R.M.Schust.

Moerckiaceae Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.

Hattorianthus R.M.Schust.[ Mamontov Yu.S., N.A. Konstantinova, A.A. Vilnet & V.A. Bakalin 2015. On the phylogeny and taxonomy of Pallaviciniales (Marchantiophyta), with overview of Russian species. Arctoa 24: 98-123. ]

Moerckia Gottsche[ Mamontov Yu.S., N.A. Konstantinova, A.A. Vilnet & V.A. Bakalin 2015. On the phylogeny and taxonomy of Pallaviciniales (Marchantiophyta), with overview of Russian species. Arctoa 24: 98-123. ]

Pallaviciniaceae Mig.

Pallavicinia Gray[ Mamontov Yu.S., N.A. Konstantinova, A.A. Vilnet & V.A. Bakalin 2015. On the phylogeny and taxonomy of Pallaviciniales (Marchantiophyta), with overview of Russian species. Arctoa 24: 98-123. ]


Metzgeriales Chalaud

Metzgeriaceae H.Klinggr.[ Потёмкин А. Д. 2011. Семейство Metzgeriaceae (Marchantiophyta) в России. Новости сист. низш. раст. 45: 349–385. ]

Apometzgeria Kuwah.[ Потёмкин А. Д. 2011. Семейство Metzgeriaceae (Marchantiophyta) в России. Новости сист. низш. раст. 45: 349–385. ]

Metzgeria Raddi [ Потёмкин А. Д. 2011. Семейство Metzgeriaceae (Marchantiophyta) в России. Новости сист. низш. раст. 45: 349–385. ]

Aneuraceae H.Klinggr.[ Bakalin, V.A. 2018. The review of Aneuraceae in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica 7(2) 3-21 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2018.07205 ]

Aneura Dumort. (incl. Cryptothallus Malmb.) [Потемкин А.Д. 1992. Бесхлорофилльный микотрофный печеночник Cryptothallus mirabilis (Aneuraceae, Hepaticae) под Ленинградом. Бот. журн. 77(1): 78-83. <Potemkin, A.D. 1992. The achlorophyllous mycotrophic liverwort Cryptothallus mirabilis (Aneuraceae, Hepaticae) in the neighbourhood of Leningrad. Bot. Zhurn. 77(1): 78-83.>* Bakalin, V.A. 2018. The review of Aneuraceae in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica 7(2) 3-21 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2018.07205 ]

Riccardia Gray [ Bakalin, V.A. 2018. The review of Aneuraceae in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica 7(2) 3-21 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2018.07205 ]


Porellales Schljakov

Porellineae R.M.Schust.

Porellaceae Cavers [ Bakalin V.A. & K.G. Klimova 2019. Porellaceae (Hepaticae) in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 105-131. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08110 ]

Porella L. (incl. Macvicaria W.E.Nicholson) [ Bakalin V.A. & K.G. Klimova 2019. Porellaceae (Hepaticae) in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 105-131. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08110 ]

Ascidiota C. Massal. [Potemkin A.D., Mamontov Yu.S., Borovichev E.A., Fedosov V.E., Sofronova E.V. 2015. The genus Ascidiota C.Massal. (Porellaceae, Marchantiophyta) in North Asia. Journal of Bryology 37(1) 49-55. * Bakalin V.A. & K.G. Klimova 2019. Porellaceae (Hepaticae) in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 105-131. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08110 ]

Radulineae R.M.Schust.

Radulaceae Müll.Frib.

Radula Dumort.

Jubulineae Müll.Frib.

Frullaniaceae Lorch

Frullania Raddi [ Vilnet A.A., Borovichev E.A. & V.A. Bakalin 2014. Frullania subarctica—a new species of the Frullania tamarisci complex (Frullaniaceae, Marchantiophyta). Phytotaxa. 173(1): 61-72. * Софронова Е.В., Мамонтов Ю.С., Потёмкин А.Д. 2013. Frullania ignatovii (Porellales, Marchantiophyta) – новый вид из Сибири. Новости сист. низш. раст. 47: 334-343. * Borovichev E.A., Vilnet A.A. 2015. Recently resurrected for European liverwort flora – Frullania calcarifera Steph., new addition for the Crimean Peninsula. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 52: 1-6. *Ладыженская К.И., Л.А. Зиновьева 1964. О малоизвестном печеночнике Frullania bolanderi Aust. в СССР. Новости сист. низш. раст. 269-275. <Ladyzhenskaya K.I, & L.A Zinovjeva On poorly known Frullania bolanderi Aust. in URSS. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 1: 269-275.>]

Neohattoria Kamim. [Ладыженская К.И. 1964. К изучению редких печеночников Lepicolea fryei H.Perss. из Якутии и Neohattoria herzogii Kamim. с Курильских островов. Новости сист. низш. раст.: 256-264. <Ladyzhenskaya, K.I. To the knowledge of Lepicolea fryei H.Perss. from Yakutia and Neohattoria herzogii Kamim. from Kurils Islands. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast.: 256-264.>* Bakalin V.A. 2019. Liverworts of the Russian Far East: the taxa with ciliate leaves. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 85-103. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08109 ]

Jubulaceae H.Klinggr.

Jubula Dumort. [ Konstantinova N.A., Vilnet A.A. 2011. Jubula hutchinsiae subsp. caucasica subsp. nov. (Jubulaceae, Marchantiophyta) – a new taxon from the Western Caucasus. Arctoa 20: 227–238. * Bakalin V.A. 2019. Liverworts of the Russian Far East: the taxa with ciliate leaves. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 85-103. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08109 ]

Nipponolejeunea S.Hatt. [ Bakalin V.A. 2019. Liverworts of the Russian Far East: the taxa with ciliate leaves. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 85-103. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08109 ]

Lejeuneaceae Cavers [ Bakalin V.A. 2019. A review of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica 8(2): 85-106 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08208 ]

Acrolejeunea (Spruce) Steph. [ Bakalin V.A. 2019. A review of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica 8(2): 85-106 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08208 ]

Cololejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. [ Бакалин В.А. 2007. Род Cololejeunea (Hepatica, Lejeuneaceae) в Азиатской России // Ботанический журнал. - Т. 92. №. 7. С. 1056-1067. (232,7 КБ) * Bakalin V.A. 2019. A review of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica 8(2): 85-106 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08208 ]

Lejeunea Lib. [ Bakalin V.A. & E.A. Borovichev 2014. Lejeunea neelgherriana Gottsche (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) — An Unexpected Record of a Tertiary Relict in the Russian Far East. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 35(4):417-421. * Bakalin V.A., S.S. Choi, A.V. Ermolenko 2012. Lejeunea alaskana (R.M. Schust. & Steere) Inoue & Steere - a new species for the Russian liverwort flora. Arctoa. 21:193-196. * Bakalin V.A. 2019. A review of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica 8(2): 85-106 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08208 ]

Cheilolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. [ Бакалин В.А. 2009. Cheilolejeunea obtusifolia (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) — новый вид для флоры России. Ботанический журнал 94(12): 1849-1854. (163,5 КБ) * Bakalin V.A. 2019. A review of Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta) in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica 8(2): 85-106 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08208 ]

Ptilidiales Schljakov

Ptilidiaceae H.Klinggr. [ Bakalin V.A. 2019. Liverworts of the Russian Far East: the taxa with ciliate leaves. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 85-103. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08109 ]

Ptilidium Nees [ Bakalin V.A. 2019. Liverworts of the Russian Far East: the taxa with ciliate leaves. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 85-103. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08109 ]

Neotrichocoleaceae Inoue [ Bakalin V.A. 2019. Liverworts of the Russian Far East: the taxa with ciliate leaves. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 85-103. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08109 ]

Trichocoleopsis S.Okamura [ Bakalin V.A. 2019. Liverworts of the Russian Far East: the taxa with ciliate leaves. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 85-103. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08109 ]

Jungermanniales H.Klinggr. [ Konstantinova N.A., Vilnet A.A. 2010. New taxa and new combinations in Jungermanniales (Hepaticae). Arctoa 18 (for 2009): 65–68. ]

Lophocoleineae Schljakov

Pseudolepicoleaceae Fulford & J.Taylor

Blepharostoma (Dumort.) Dumort.

Pseudolepicolea Fulford & J.Taylor [Ладыженская К.И. 1964. К изучению редких печеночников Lepicolea fryei H.Perss. из Якутии и Neohattoria herzogii Kamim. с Курильских островов. Новости сист. низш. раст.: 256-264. <Ladyzhenskaya, K.I. To the knowledge of Lepicolea fryei H.Perss. from Yakutia and Neohattoria herzogii Kamim. from Kurils Islands. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast.: 256-264.>]

Trichocoleaceae Nakai [ Bakalin V.A. 2019. Liverworts of the Russian Far East: the taxa with ciliate leaves. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 85-103. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08109 ]

Trichocolea Dumort. [ Bakalin V.A. 2019. Liverworts of the Russian Far East: the taxa with ciliate leaves. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 85-103. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08109 ]

Herbertaceae Müll.Frib. ex Fulford & Hatcher

Herbertus Gray [Juslén, A. 2006. Revision of Asian Herbertus (Herbertaceae, Marchantiophyta). – Ann. Bot. Fennici 43: 409-436.]

Lepidoziaceae R.M.Schust.

Bazzania Gray [ Bakalin V.A. 2016. A revision of Lepidoziaceae (Hepaticae) in the Russian Far East I. Bazzania. Botanica Pacifica 5(1): 33-52. ]

Kurzia G.Martens

Lepidozia (Dumort.) Dumort. [ Choi S.S., V.A. Bakalin 2012. Lepidozia subtransversa Steph. – a new species for the Russian liverwort flora. Arctoa 21:189-192. ]

Lophocoleaceae Vanden Berghen

Chiloscyphus Corda

Heteroscyphus Schiffn. [ Potemkin A.D. 2005. Heteroscyphus (Geocalycaceae) – a new liverwort genus for Russia. Arctoa 13 (for 2004): 67–72. ]

Lophocolea (Dumort.) Dumort. [ Потёмкин А. Д. 2008. О таксономическом положении российских видов Lophocolea (Marchantiophyta). Новости сист. низш. раст. 42: 301–304. ]

Chonecoleaceae R.M.Schust. ex Grolle

Chonecolea Grolle

Plagiochilaceae Müll.Frib. & Herzog

Pedinophyllum (Lindb.) Lindb.

Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort. [ Bakalin V.A. & A.A. Vilnet 2017. A new large-celled species of Plagiochila (Plagiochilaceae, Hepaticae) from the southern flank of the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica 6(2):| DOI: 10.17581/bp.2017.06208 ]

Xenochila R.M. Schust.

Cephaloziineae Schljakov [ Vilnet A.A., Konstantinova N.A., Troitsky A.V. 2011. Molecular insight on phylogeny and systematics of the Lophoziaceae, Scapaniaceae, Gymnomitriaceae and Jungermanniaceae. Arctoa 19 (for 2010): 31–50. ]

Jamesoniellaceae Xiao L.He, Juslén, Ahonen, Glenny & Piippo

SyzygiellaSpruce [ Potemkin A.D., Mamontov Yu.S. 2013. On Syzygiella nipponica (Adelanthaceae, Marchantiophyta) and its first record in Russia. Arctoa 22: 167-172. ]

Cephaloziaceae Mig. [ Vilnet A.A., Konstantinova N.A., Troitsky A.V. 2012. Molecular phylogeny and systematics of the suborder Cephaloziineae with special attention to the family Cephaloziaceae s.l. (Jungermanniales, Marchantiophyta). Arctoa 21: 113–132. ]

Cephalozia (Dumort.) Dumort. [ Константинова, Н.А., В.А. Бакалин, А.Д. Потемкин. 2004. Cephalozia pachycaulis (Hepaticae, Cephaloziaceae) - малоизвестный вид для флоры России. Ботанический журнал 89(12): 1890-1897 (247,2 КБ) * Potemkin A.D., Sofronova E.V. 2013. Taxonomic study on the genus Cephalozia in Russia and circumscription of the genus. Arctoa 22: 173–206. ]

Nowellia Mitt.

Pleurocladula Grolle

Schofieldia J.D.Godfrey [Бакалин, В.А. 2005. Schofieldia Godfrey и Cryptocoleopsis Amakawa − новые роды печеночников (Hepaticae) для флоры России. Ботанический журнал 90(4): 594-603.]

Odontoschismataceae (Grolle) Schljakov

Alobiellopsis R.M.Schust.

Cladopodiella H.Buch

Iwatsukia N.Kitag. [ Konstantinova N.A. 2005. Iwatsukia jishibae (Steph.) Kitagawa (Cephaloziaceae, Hepaticae) in Russia. Arctoa 13 (for 2004): 203–210. ]

Odontoschisma (Dumort.) Dumort. [ Potemkin A.D. 1998. On Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dum. (Hepaticae, Cephaloziaceae) in Russia, with the key and consideration of differentiation of the Russian species of Odontoschisma. Arctoa 7: 197–202. ]

Hygrobiellaceae (Jørg.) Konstant. & Vilnet

Hygrobiella Spruce [ Bakalin V.A. & A.A. Vilnet 2014. Two new species of the liverwort genus Hygrobiella Spruce (Marchantiophyta) described from the North Pacific based on integrative taxonomy. Plant Systematics and Evolution ]

Cephaloziellaceae Douin

Cephaloziella (Spruce) Schiffn. [ Mamontov Yu.S., Vilnet A.A. 2017. Cephaloziella konstantinovae (Cephaloziellaceae, Marchantiophyta), a new leafy liverwort species from Russia and Mongolia identified by integrative taxonomy. Polish Botanical Journal 62(1): 1–19. ]

Dichiton Mont.

Scapaniaceae Mig. [ Choi S.S., V.A. Bakalin, B.Y. Sun 2012. Scapania and Macrodiplophyllum in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica 1: 31-95. ]

Diplophyllum (Dumort.) Dumort. [ Bakalin V. & A. Vilnet. 2018. A review of the genus Diplophyllum (Marchantiophyta) in North and East Asia with the description of a new species (D. sibiricum) based on integrative taxonomy. Plant Systematics and Evolution (published online 17 Oct. 2018) ht ]

Douinia (C.E.O. Jensen) H. Buch[ Mamontov Yu.S., Potemkin A.D. 2013. Scapania verrucosa Heeg (Scapaniaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Russia. Arctoa 22: 145-149.* Бакалин В.А. 2004. Macrodiplophyllum imbricatum (M.A. Howe) Perss. (Hepaticae) – новый вид для флоры России. Ботанический журнал 89(6): 1016-1020. (файл отсутствует!) ]

Scapania (Dumort.) Dumort. [ Mamontov Yu.S., Potemkin A.D. 2013. Scapania verrucosa Heeg (Scapaniaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Russia. Arctoa 22: 145-149. * Borovichev E., Fedosov V., Vilnet A. 2016. An unexpected record of European liverwort Scapania aspera (Scapaniaceae, Jungermanniopsida, Marchantiophyta) in the East Siberia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 37(4): 445-454. (6,2 МБ) ]

Lophoziaceae Cavers [ Bakalin, V.A. 2004. Notes on Lophozia V. Comments on sect. Sudeticae, Longidentatae and Savicziae. Arctoa 13: 229-240. ]

Heterogemma (Lindb.) Konstant. & Vilnet

Lophozia (Dumort.) Dumort. [ Bakalin V.A. 2016. Notes on Lophozia VIII. The lectotypification of Lophozia longiflora (Nees) Schiffn. (Lophoziaceae, Hepaticae). Herzogia 29(2): 635– 642 *Бакалин, В.А. 2005. Монографическая обработка родаLophozia (Dumort.) Dumort. s. str. М., «Наука». 238 с.[* Bakalin V.A. 2003. Notes on Lophozia IV. Some new taxa of Lophozia sensu stricto. Annales Botanici Fennici 40(1):47-52. * Bakalin V.A. 2001. Notes on Lophozia III. Some taxonomic problems in Lophozia sect. Lophozia. Arctoa 10: 207-218. * Bakalin V.A. 2000. Notes on Lophozia I. What is Lophozia silvicola Buch var. grandiretis Buch et S. Arnell (Hepaticae: Lophoziaceae). Arctoa 9: 111-114. * Schljakov R.N. 1998. On the Lophozia groenlandica (Nees) Macoun (Hepaticae). Arctoa 7: 191–196.* Bakalin V. & A. Vilnet 2019. Lophozia fuscovirens sp. nov. (Lophoziaceae, Marchantiophyta): the second taxon with brown gemmae within Lophozia s.str. Nordic Journal of Botany, 2019: e02294 DOI: 10.1111/njb.02294 ]

Lophoziopsis Konstant. & Vilnet

Obtusifolium S.W.Arnell

Protolophozia (R.M.Schust.) Schljakov

Pseudotritomaria Konstant. & Vilnet

Saccobasis H.Buch Scapania (Dumort.) Dumort.

Schistochilopsis (N.Kitag.) Konstant. [ Bakalin V.A. & K.G. Klimova 2016. Two new species of Schistochilopsis (Scapaniaceae, Hepaticae) from North-West Pacific and the key to Schistochilopsis taxa in the Pacific Asia. Botanica Pacifica 5(2): 51-57. * Потемкин А. Д. 2005. О систематическом положении и таксономическом статусе родов Schistochilopsis (Kitag.) Konstantinova и Obtusifolium S. W. Arnell (Lophoziaceae, Hepaticae). Новости сист. низш. раст. 38: 362–365. ]

Trilophozia (R.M. Schust.) Bakalin

Tritomaria Schiffn. ex Loeske

Anastrophyllaceae L. Söderstr., De Roo & Hedd.

Anastrepta (Lindb.) Schiffn. [Константинова Н.А. 2007. Новый для России род Anastrepta (Lindb.) Schiffn. (Lophoziaceae, Hepaticae). Ботанический журнал 92(12): 1934–1938.]

Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph. [ Mamontov Yu.S., Vilnet A.А. 2013. Anastrophyllum ellipticum Inoue (Jungermanniales, Marchantiophyta) – new species for Russian liverwort flora. Arctoa 22: 151-158. ]

Barbilophozia Loeske [Vilnet A.A., N.A. Konstantinova & A.V. Troitsky. 2012. Molecular phylogenetic data on reticulate evolution in the genus Barbilophozia Loeske (Anastrophyllaceae, Marchantiophyta) and evidence of non-concerted evolution of rDNA in Barbilophozia rubescens allopolyploid. Phytotaxa 49: 6–22.]

Biantheridion (Grolle) Konstant. & Vilnet

Crossocalyx Meyl.

Gymnocolea (Dumort.) Dumort.

Isopaches H.Buch Lophozia (Dumort.) Dumort.

Orthocaulis H.Buch

Plicanthus R.M.Schust.

Pseudolophozia Konstant. & Vilnet [ Bakalin V.A. 2003. Notes on Lophozia II. On Lophozia rufescens Schljakov and Lophozia sudetica (Huebener) Grolle var. anomala (Schljakov) Schljakov with notes on allied taxa. Lindbergia 28(2): 75-79. (99,8 КБ) ]

Schljakovia Konstant. & Vilnet

Schljakovianthus Konstant. & Vilnet

Sphenolobus (Lindb.) Berggr.

Tetralophozia (R.M.Schust.) Schljakov [ Konstantinova N.A. 2003. The genus Tetralophozia (R.M.Schust.) Schljakov (Lophoziaceae, Hepaticae) in Russia. Arctoa 11 (for 2002): 45–52. * Dulin M. V. 2017. Gemmae in Tetralophozia setiformis (Anastrophyllaceae, Marchantiophyta) and their second record in Eurasia. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 51: 242–250. ]

Jungermanniineae R.M.Schust. ex Stotler & Crand.-Stotl.

Myliaceae Schljakov

Mylia Gray [ Potemkin A.D., Kazanovsky S.G. 1993. On the genus Mylia S. Gray (Hepaticae, Jungermanniaceae, Mylioideae). Arctoa 2: 1–12. ]

Arnelliaceae Nakai

Arnellia Lindb.

Southbya Spruce

Calypogeiaceae Arnell

Calypogeia Raddi [ Potemkin A. D., E. A. Borovichev, E. G. Ginzburg. 2017. Calypogeia azurea (Calypogeiaceae, Marchantiophyta) in the Northwestern European Russia. Novosti Sist. Nizsh. Rast. 51: 263–273.* Buczkowska K, Bakalin V, Bączkiewicz A, Aguero B, Gonera P, Ślipiko M, SzczecińskaM., SawickiJ. 2018. Does Calypogeia azurea (Calypogeiaceae, Marchantiophyta) occur outside Europe? Molecular and morphological evidence. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0204561. https://do ]

Eocalypogeia (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust.

Metacalypogeia (S.Hatt.) Inoue

Delavayellaceae R.M.Schust.

Liochlaena Nees

Jungermanniaceae Reichenbach [ Bakalin V.A. 2014. The revision of ‘Jungermannia s.l.’ in the North Pacific: the genera Endogemma, Jungermannia s. str., Metasolenostoma, Plectocolea and Solenostoma (Hepaticae). Botanica Pacifica 3(2): 55-128. ]

Eremonotus Lindb. & Kaal. ex Pearson [ Konstantinova N.A. 2001. Eremonotus myriocarpus (Carr.) Lindb. & Kaal. – an addition to the hepatic flora of Russia. Arctoa 10: 115–120. ]

Jungermannia L. [ Bakalin, V.A. & A.A. Vilnet 2009. Two new species of Jungermanniaceae from Asiatic Russia. Arctoa 18: 151-162. * Konstantinovа N.A. & A.A.Vilnet 2016. A new species of the genus Jungermannia (Jungermanniales, Marchantiophyta) from the Caucasus with notes on taxa delimitation and taxonomy of Jungermannia s. str. Phytotaxa 255 (3): 227–239. ]

Mesoptychia (Lindb.) A.Evans [ Bakalin V.A. 2003. The status and treatment of the genus Hattoriella (H. Inoue) H. Inoue. Arctoa 12: 91-96. * Potemkin A.D., Mamontov Yu.S., Sofronova E.V., Kuznetsova O.I. 2015. Mesoptychia igiana (S.Hatt.) L.Söderstr. et Váňa (Jungermanniaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Russia. Arctoa 24(2): 489-496. *Ладыженская К.И. 1953. Редкий вид печеночника Mesoptychia sahlbergii (Lindb. & Arn.) Evans во флоре СССР. Бот. мат. отд. спор. раст. 9: 168-173. <Ladyzhenskaya, K.I.1953. Rare species Mesoptychia sahlbergii (Lindb. & Arn.) in USSR. Bot. Mat. Otd. Spor. Rast. 9: 168-173.>]

Solenostomataceae Stotler & Crand.-Stotl. [ Bakalin V.A., A.V. Vilnet, T. Furuki, T. Katagiri 2014. Taxonomic novelties in Solenostoma-Plectocolea complex (Solenostomataceae, Hepaticae) in East Asia. Botanica Pacifica 3(2): 3-18. * Bakalin V.A. 2014. The revision of ‘Jungermannia s.l.’ in the North Pacific: the genera Endogemma, Jungermannia s. str., Metasolenostoma, Plectocolea and Solenostoma (Hepaticae). Botanica Pacifica 3(2): 55-128. * Bakalin V.A., Vilnet A.A. 2012. New combinations and new species of Solenostoma and Plectocolea (Solenostomataceae) from the Russian Far East. The Bryologist 115(4): 566-584. ]

Cryptocolea R.M.Schust.

Cryptocoleopsis Amakawa [Бакалин, В.А. 2005. Schofieldia Godfrey и Cryptocoleopsis Amakawa − новые роды печеночников (Hepaticae) для флоры России. Ботанический журнал 90(4): 594-603.]

Solenostoma Mitt. [ Bakalin, V.A. & A.A. Vilnet 2009. Two new species of Jungermanniaceae from Asiatic Russia. Arctoa 18: 151-162. ]

Plectocolea (Mitt.) Mitt.

Geocalycaceae H.Klinggr.

Geocalyx Nees

Harpanthus Nees [Бакалин В.А. Мульдияров Е.Я. Лапшина Е.Д. 2001 Harpanthus drummondii (Geocalycaceae, Hepaticae) – новый вид для флоры Евразии. Ботанический журнал 86(6): 159-162.]

Antheliaceae R.M.Schust.

Anthelia (Dumort.) Dumort.

Endogemmaceae Konstant., Vilnet & A.V. Troitsky [Vilnet, A.A., N.A. Konstantinova & A.V. Troitsky. 2011. Taxonomical rearrangements of Solenostomataceae (Marchantiophyta) with description of a new family Endogemmataceae based on trnL-F cpDNA analysis. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. 48: 125–133.]

Endogemma Konstant., Vilnet & A.V. Troitsky

Gymnomitriaceae H.Klinggr.

Gymnomitrion Corda [ Bakalin V.A. 2016. Does Gymnomitrion corallioides Nees (Hepaticae) occur in Temperate East Asia? Botanica Pacifica 5(1): 53-61. * Mamontov Yu.S., Konstantinova N.A., Vilnet A.A., Potemkin A.D., Sofronova E.V., Gamova N.S. 2017. On resurrection of Marsupella parvitexta Steph. (Gymnomitriaceae, Marchantiophyta) as a semi cryptic species of the genus Gymnomitrion. Nova Hedwigia. DOI: 10 *Mamontov Yu.S., A.A. Vilnet, N.A. Konstantinova & V.A. Bakalin 2019. Two new species of Gymnomitriaceae (Marchantiophyta) in the North Pacific. Botanica Pacifica, 8(1): 67-80. DOI: 10.17581/bp.2019.08113]

Marsupella Dumort. [ Bakalin V. A., Fedosov V. E., Fedorova A. V. & Nguyen V. S. 2019. — Integrative taxonomic revision of Marsupella (Gymnomitriaceae, Hepaticae) reveals neglected diversity in Pacific Asia. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 40 (7): 59-85. http://cryptogamie.com/bryologi ]

Nardia Gray [ Bakalin V.A. & K.G. Klimova 2016. A note on Nardia japonica Steph. (Gymnomitriaceae) Botanica Pacifica 5(2): 43-50. * Bakalin V.A. 2012. Nardia hiroshii Amak. – a new species for North American liverwort flora and the key to Nardia species in North Pacific. Arctoa 21: 87-90. * Бакалин В.А. 2008 Nardia sect. Subclavatae Amakawa в России. Ботанический журнал 93(11): (164,7 КБ) ]

Prasanthus Lindb.

    © ФГБУН Ботанический сад-институт ДВО РАН

    © Бакалин В.А., Константинова Н.А., Мамонтов Ю.С., Боровичев Е.А., Климова К.Г. (содержание)

    © Кислов Д.Е. (техническая поддержка и веб-дизайн)
